update 3/22/2010

Cover Image for update 3/22/2010
Thanks to everyone, once again, for your continued support of our research program. Over the past year, our research lab has published our experience using small proteins (peptides) to make immune cells to fight off viruses after a bone marrow transplant. The fact that this data has been published in the medical literature is evidence that our approach is an advancement of the field. Our next steps are to turn that basic research into a clinical trial. This will require us to buy very expensive “clinical grade” peptides which the FDA will allow us to use for cells that will go into patients. The “Sam Memorial Funds” are very helpful to us to continue the translation of our basic research into the clinic. In addition to that project, we will be using the “Sam Memorial Funds” to pilot a new transplant protocol for patients with leukemia. Our new BMT doctor, Dr. Monica Thakar, has interest in trying to utilize Natural-Killer (NK) cells to help fight cancer. These immune cells may be helpful in fighting leukemia and other cancers. Therefore, we will be using the cell processing machine that we bought back in 2009 and having it “enrich” for Natural Killer cells. Sam Memorial Funds allow us to do these studies quickly, which will allow us to take the transplant study into the clinic very soon. So, in summary, THANK YOU VERY MUCH for your continued support and we continue to utilize the Sam Memorial Funds with a goal of helping patients with leukemia and other cancers survive.